Name and surname University Email Name and surname University Email Name and surname University Email Name and surname University Email Introduction to International Trade and Selected Country 3 - Provides an in-depth analysis of key concepts and a comprehensive history/current status of the country's trade role. 2 - Good overview of concepts and country's trade history/status but lacks some details. 1 - Vague understanding of concepts and minimal coverage of country specifics. Dissecting Trade Data 4 - Shows expert level competence in data analysis and draws insightful conclusions on commodity impact. 3 - Proficient data analysis skills and identifies main commodities and impact. 2 - Basic data analysis with superficial understanding of commodities and impact. 1 - Struggles with data analysis and little commodity understanding. Cultural and Economic Narratives 4 - Nuanced discussion of cultural values/history and examines complex interplay of economic factors and trade. 3 - Solid understanding of culture and economics but could be more developed. 2 - Surface level treatment of culture and economics. 1 - Major gaps in covering culture and economics. Presentation 5 - Polished, seamless flow and visually captivating multimedia use. 4 - Logical organization and engaging use of multimedia. 3 - Decent flow but multimedia use could be improved. 2 - Uneven flow or minimal multimedia. 1 - Poor organization and ineffective multimedia. Challenges and Opportunities 4 - Critically evaluates challenges and proposes innovative opportunities with strong justification. 3 - Thoughtful challenges discussion and some well-reasoned opportunities. 2 - Standard challenges and opportunities lacking depth. 1 - Weak challenges discussion and unoriginal opportunities. Country and 3 thing we should know about it What should be your grade? 1 out of 20 2 out of 20 3 out of 20 4 out of 20 5 out of 20 6 out of 20 7 out of 20 8 out of 20 9 out of 20 10 out of 20 11 out of 20 12 out of 20 13 out of 20 14 out of 20 15 out of 20 16 out of 20 17 out of 20 18 out of 20 19 out of 20 20 out of 20 Why you should get this grade? Send