Please use bellow form to submit your class assignment. University name Course name Name (1st student) Family name (1st student) University e-mail (1st student) Name (2nd student) Family name (2nd student) University e-mail (2nd student) Name (3rd student) Family name (3rd student) University e-mail (3rd student) Name (4th student) Family name (4th student) University e-mail (4th student) Name (5th student) Family name (5th student) University e-mail (5th student) Name (6th student) Family name (6th student) University e-mail (6th student) Clarity and Quality of Thesis Statement or Research Question 1: No clear thesis or research question, or it's not relevant to the topic. 2: The thesis or research question is vaguely defined or only partially relevant. 3: The thesis or research question is identifiable and somewhat clearly stated but could be more specific or refined. 4: The thesis or research question is clear, relevant, and mostly well-articulated. 5: The thesis or research question is exceptionally clear, concise, and well-articulated, guiding the narrative of the paper effectively. Evidence and Argument 1: No evident support for the thesis, arguments are unclear or logically flawed. 2: Some evidence is provided, but it's largely irrelevant or improperly cited. Arguments lack coherence. 3: Evidence is somewhat relevant and properly cited. Arguments are logical but lack full development. 4: Evidence is relevant, correctly cited, and supports most of the arguments. The argument is coherent and logically sound. 5: Evidence thoroughly and convincingly supports the arguments. Arguments are logically sound, well developed, and contribute to a compelling narrative. Organization and Structure 1: Paper lacks a clear structure. Sections are disorganized or absent. No logical flow of ideas. 2: Paper has a vague structure. Some sections are organized, but transitions are lacking or abrupt. 3: Paper has a clear structure, but some sections or transitions could be more clearly defined or smooth. 4: Paper is mostly well-structured with clear sections and smooth transitions. 5: Paper is exceptionally well-structured. Each section is clear and purposeful, and transitions are smooth and logical. Writing Style and Language Use 1: Writing is unclear, with many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. The language is inappropriate for an academic context. 2: Writing is generally understandable, but has several errors that impede meaning. Language is somewhat formal but not always appropriate. 3: Writing is clear with minor errors. The language is formal and mostly appropriate for an academic context. 4: Writing is mostly clear and concise with few minor errors. The language is formal and suitable for an academic context. 5: Writing is exceptionally clear, concise, and free of errors. The language is formal, academic, and expertly utilized. Research Skills 1: No evidence of independent research or proper source citation. 2: Some evidence of research, but sources are not appropriately selected or cited. 3: Adequate research is demonstrated, with most sources being relevant and correctly cited. 4: Good research skills are demonstrated, with all sources being relevant, reliable, and correctly cited. 5: Exceptional research skills are demonstrated, with all sources being highly relevant, reliable, and correctly cited. The student shows critical evaluation of sources and integrates them expertly into the paper. I hereby declare that this research paper is my own work. It does not contain any material previously published or written by another person, except where appropriate citation has been made in the text. I also declare that it has not been submitted for assessment in any other course or at any other time in this course unless by negotiation, and has not been copied in part or whole from any other work. I acknowledge that the assessor (Dr. Mateusz Panek) of this assignment may, for the purpose of assessment, reproduce the assignment and provide a copy to another academic staff member, and/or communicate a copy of this assignment to a plagiarism-checking service, which may retain a copy of the assignment on its database. I understand the penalties for plagiarism as outlined in the academic integrity policy of the University. Do you confirm that statement in your and your groups name? Yes No Are you interested in publishing this content? Yes No Please remember that uploading large files might take a moment. After clicking "Send" and please wait for the confirmation of the submission process. Please upload your work Send