Students Research Paper Guideline

As we're embarking on this journey together, it's essential to set some guidelines and answer the most frequently asked questions to ensure a smooth process.

Information included on this website pertains exclusively to my students.

So what I need to do?

  1. Create a research paper.
  2. Submit your research paper using online form at the bottom of this page.
  3. Defend your research paper in an oral presentation (I’ll notify you of the date once your research paper is submitted).

What is the deadline for submitting the research paper?

Unless the administration provides a specific date, I encourage you to propose a deadline in response to my first message delivered to you. However, it should not exceed two weeks from the date of receiving my initial introductory email.

What is my topic?

Unless provided by me in the introductory e-mail, I encourage you to suggest your own topic based on the class you need to complete.

Think about an area within the subject that interests you and propose a related topic.

If you’re unsure, don’t hesitate to reach out via email, and we can work together to identify a suitable topic.

How long should it be?

Your research paper must be between 7,000 and 10,000 words long and should be written in English. 

It can be submitted in either Microsoft Word or PDF format.

Am I allowed to use AI tools in my research?

While it’s crucial to use various tools for research, the final paper must be your own work, not content generated by AI. To ensure this, each paper will be scrutinized using the top five AI-detection software solutions.

Therefore, it’s imperative that your work is entirely your own.

How long should it be?

Your research paper must be between 5,000 and 10,000 words long and should be written in English.

It can be submitted in either Microsoft Word or PDF format.
“A form of academic writing that is built around a central argument.
These essays are also called argumentative essays because of this. In this category of composition, the writer aims to persuade the reader to accept his or her point of view through logic,
references to research, and by using data.”
University of Southern California. (2021). Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper. In USC Libraries Research Guides

What are the usual requirements for the research paper?

  1. Title Page: This is the cover page of your research paper that includes the title of your research, your name, the name of your institution, and the date of submission.

  2. Abstract: This is a concise summary of your research, usually about 150-250 words. It briefly describes the research question, the method used, the major findings, and the conclusion.

  3. Introduction: This section introduces the reader to the topic and provides context for your research. It typically includes a brief overview of the topic, the research question or hypothesis, and the significance of your research.

  4. Literature Review: This section includes a detailed review of existing research related to your topic. It provides a background and context for your research, showing how your work builds upon previous studies.

  5. Methods or Methodology: This section explains the research method(s) you used to collect and analyze data. This can include experimental setup, data collection and analysis techniques, and any tools or materials used.

  6. Results or Findings: This section presents the data you collected in your research. It includes all relevant findings, usually accompanied by charts, tables, or figures to help illustrate the data.

  7. Discussion or Analysis: This section interprets your results. It’s where you explain what the findings mean, discuss how they relate to your hypothesis, and compare them with previous research.

  8. Conclusion: This section summarizes your research and findings, discusses their implications, and can suggest potential areas for future research.

  9. References or Bibliography: This section lists all the sources you cited in your paper. The format for this section depends on the citation style you’re using (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.).


During the submission of your work, you will be asked to confirm the following:

“I hereby declare that this research paper is my own work. It does not contain any material previously published or written by another person, except where appropriate citation has been made in the text.
I also declare that it has not been submitted for assessment in any other course or at any other time in this course unless by negotiation, and has not been copied in part or whole from any other work.

I acknowledge that the assessor (Dr. Mateusz Panek) of this assignment may, for the purpose of assessment, reproduce the assignment and provide a copy to another academic staff member, and/or communicate a copy of this assignment to a plagiarism-checking service, which may retain a copy of the assignment on its database.

I understand the penalties for plagiarism as outlined in the academic integrity policy of the University.”

Research paper submission form

Please use bellow form to submit your research paper (“topic”).

I hereby declare that this research paper is my own work. It does not contain any material previously published or written by another person, except where appropriate citation has been made in the text.

I also declare that it has not been submitted for assessment in any other course or at any other time in this course unless by negotiation, and has not been copied in part or whole from any other work.

I acknowledge that the assessor (Dr. Mateusz Panek) of this assignment may, for the purpose of assessment, reproduce the assignment and provide a copy to another academic staff member, and/or communicate a copy of this assignment to a plagiarism-checking service, which may retain a copy of the assignment on its database.

I understand the penalties for plagiarism as outlined in the academic integrity policy of the University.
Please remember that uploading large files might take a moment.

After clicking "Send" and please wait for the confirmation of the submission process.

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